The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fund for Nature has been created by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and is overseen by Natural Cambridgeshire, the Local Nature Partnership for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We will soon by issuing a second call for projects.
The Fund will support projects that attract external investment, that can create a stream of revenue and ideally be financially self-sustaining, with an aspiration to provide an investment return to fund future projects. There will also be a focus on financial innovation, increasing the benefits that projects deliver, such as climate-change mitigation and adaptation, health and wellbeing, prosperity, flood prevention, and/or water quality and retention, and learning how to put a value on these benefits.
Natural Cambridgeshire intends to prioritise larger projects with a view of providing up to £300k to a single project. Monies from the Fund will need to be at least matched from other sources and preference will be given to applications that have a prospect of leveraging further investments, and/or that attract revenue so as to make them long-lasting. Sustainable alternative returns in the form, for example, of concrete improvements in health outcomes that can be tracked and delivered, will also be considered.
E-mail Helen Dye [email protected]
We are offering a webinar to help prospective applicants, Tuesday 11 February, 2-3:30pm. Register at