CamEO Conference 2024

The CamEO Conference took place on 6th November 2024 with some stimulating presentations and opportunities for discussion.

Ros Alexander, Chair of River Lark Catchment Partnership presented their plan, achievements and priorities. presentation slides

Steve Lane, CaSTCo Project Officer set out what CaSTCo hopes to deliver and the outcomes so far including details on Citizen Science tools and kit. presentation slides

John Findlay, Citizen Science Co-ordinator went through Citizen Science
Methods and Successes from an Environment Agency Perspective.

Dr Sarah Taigel, GIS and Data Officer at the Norfolk Rivers Trust presented From the Riverbank to the Office. How data collection in the field can be used in decision-making.
Arcgis Demo

Dr Sam Green, Freshwater Ecologist at WildFish discussed WildFish’s citizen science monitoring scheme ‘SmartRivers’ which uses invertebrate communities as biological indicators of pollution pressures such as fine sediment. Wildfish Smart Rivers presentation slides

Road Runoff was a subject of focus led by Clara Todd and Yair Perry of Water Sensitive Cambridge. presentation slides

A pre-recorded presentation by Jo Bradley, Director of Operations, Stormwater Shepherds UK provided an overview of the problem, the scale in the UK, with a view on chalk streams, and what can we do about it? presentation slides

Luciana Alves, Evidence Programme Manager at Thames 21 presented the Thames21 Road Pollution Solution Tool – Modelling priorities and solutions at different scales. Thames21_Road Runoff Presentation_6Nov2024

Highways England Priority Map